Whether you’re trying to plan your very first date with escorts in Vegas or you’ve got plenty of experience, the differences between independent girls and agency contacts can be very confusing. Make the right choice by comparing the benefits and disadvantages between the two options for finding a sexy companion.
Whether you’re trying to plan your very first date with escorts in Vegas or you’ve got plenty of experience, the differences between independent girls and agency contacts can be very confusing. Make the right choice by comparing the benefits and disadvantages between the two options for finding a sexy companion.
First, keep in mind that agencies and independent escorts handle their prices differently. Agencies charge a set fee for meeting with a provider, then allow the escort to negotiate for more payment for different activities. This means you might think you’ve found an amazing deal when an agency quotes you $100 for what you can only find for $300 from independent girls. However, keep in that the amazing deal only covers the initial meeting. You’ll end up paying more by the end of the date, and you won’t know how much more until you actually meet with the lovely lady.
Of course, you’ll need to provide a surprising amount of personal information to both independent girls and agencies during the screening process. Who do you trust more to protect that information instead of trying to use it against you? Agencies tend to offer slightly better security in handling your credit card numbers and other details, although there’s no guarantee. Agencies also win in the date security category because if your escort doesn’t show up, they’ll find out why and send a replacement without requiring you to spend any more money. If your independent date fails to appear, you’re stuck starting over in the process of finding the right girl.
Finding the Right Girl
Speaking of finding your dream date, agencies can take a lot of work out of the process. Don’t have time to sort through dozens of profiles of independents and wait hours for them to respond to your calls and emails? An agency knows who’s on call right now, so they can connect you with an escort who can fit in a quick date before your flight leaves. They also actively recruit girls of all different types so they can match you with an Asian beauty or a pale redhead.
There’s no way to know if an agency or an independent lady will give you more satisfaction. However, you do earn the right to complain about your experience to someone by choosing an agency. If enough complaints are registered against one provider, she’ll end up not working with that agency anymore. Of course, you can do something similar by leaving reviews for independent escorts on various websites for that purpose.
Finally, keep in mind that you don’t get to talk to the agency escort until she’s in your hotel room. This makes it harder to discuss limits and activities upfront. If you’re looking for something very unusual, independent Sin City escorts may work better due to the improved negotiation options.